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Exploring Research and Innovation....
Volume-2, Issue-2, February-2015
Title: Inter-Vehicular Collision Detection and Avoidance using Ad-hoc Network
Authors: Gajendra Devdhara, Dhruti Gohil , Priyanka Akhade and Manish Vala
Page: 1-7
Title: Performance of Diesel Engine using Blends of Conventional Diesel and Jatropha Bio-diesel as Alternative Fuel for
Clean Environment
Authors: R. K. Yadav and S. L. Sinha
Page: 8-15
Title: Analysis of Reasons for Stress on College Students using Combined Disjoint Block Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (CDBFCM)
Authors: G Anusha and P Venkata Ramana
Page: 16-21
Title: Attendance Monitoring System Using ZigBee and RFID
Authors: Aslam Khan, Akshay Patil, Viral Shah and Mansi Kambli
Page: 22-25
Title: A Literature Review on Threat and Vulnerability Mappings
Authors: K.V.D.Kiran, P.Krishna Chaitanya, B.Rahul Chowdary and V.Siva Naga Raju
Page: 26-29
Title: Topological Optimization of 3D Structures by Optimality Criteria using ANSYS
Authors: Saurabh Bankoti, Naman Jain and Anadi Misra
Page: 30-35
Title: Simulation of New 3-Time Slot QOSTBC for QPSK, 8-PSK and 16-QAM
Authors: Narendra Singh Thakur and Ritu Chauhan
Page: 36-40
Title: Topological Optimization of Isotropic Material using Optimal Criteria Method
Authors: Naman Jain, Saurabh Bankoti and Rakesh Saxena
Page: 41-47
Title: Sensor Based Eye Controlled Automated Wheelchair
Authors: Shreyasi Samanta and Mrs. R Dayana
Page: 48-51
Title: Sentiment Analysis to Understand User Context in Web Document
Authors: Arbaz Shaikh, Ruhan Shaikh and Tarang Gupta
Page: 52-54