Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

IJREST has designed the following ethics for generating quality content in order to produce quality research for the scientific world. Our ethics and all policies are inspired by COPE Guideline, SCOPUS and ICMJE.

For beginner and professional researcher we are creating the right platform to present their valuable ideas by following proper journal policies and ethics.
IJREST Outline following duties for Authors, Readers, Editor-in-chief, Co-Editors, Editor Advisory Board Member, Editor and Reviewer Board Member, Guest Editor and Conference Organizer.

IJREST ensures authors that ethics and policies will be updated regularly by observing our past experiences, suggestions of editor-in-chef, co-editor, advisory board members, editorial and reviewer board members, authors and readers also by considering flowchart of COPE, new case study of COPE and monitoring updates on ICMJE, COPE, SCOPUS, WOS and other repeated research community guideline to produce excellent research in IJREST.

1. Authors Responsibilities

  1. Authors must be read the author guidelines carefully before submission of the manuscript.
  2. Authors must ensure and self-certify that the manuscript not submitted to multiple publications at a time (read more about self-certify).
  3. Authors must ensure and self-certify the manuscript contains original work.
  4. Authors must ensure and self-certify that the manuscript not considered by some other publications.
  5. Authors must ensure and self-certify that the manuscript does not contains the work already published somewhere else.
  6. Authors must ensure and self-certify that to identify all sources used for creation of the manuscript.
  7. Authors must notify and self-certify to journal they not have any personal contact and conflict of interest to editorial board member of journal.
  8. Author must participate in peer review process of the journal.
  9. Author must read, accept and obeying the entire ethics, policies, rules, deadline, norms and process of peer review of the journal.
  10. Author must accept and obeying the modification, revision and upgradation of ethics, policies, rules, deadline, norms and in peer review process time to time by the journal.
  11. Authors ensured that the data contain in the manuscript must be original, real and authentic.
  12. All author’s contributions must be displayed in the manuscript.
  13. Authors must be reply to journal email in case of copyright claim received to journal.
  14. Authors are not allowed to request for a specific reviewer/ self-review/ a guest editor/ an editor for the manuscript review.
  15. Author must notify to journal if any error found in published manuscript in journal.
  16. Author must send a notification mail to the journal, in case of intention to withdraw a submitted manuscript (types of withdrawal).

2. Reader Responsibility

  1. Journal Contain all articles are open access, there is no need of any subscription to read the articles.
  2. Readers encourage and give suggestions for accuracy and completeness of the article.
  3. Suggest innovative ideas, topics, and review topics for call of quality manuscripts.
  4. Apply to join for editorial and reviewer board member by obeying the journal policies.
  5. Refer the articles carefully by obeying the authorship content of article.
  6. Be aware about misconduct and authorship of the article.
  7. Suggest for the improving policies, rules and ethics of journal.
  8. Any other suggestions in reader point of view inform to the journal.
  9. Reader must not be used the journal web contents, materials, images, logos, and any article materials for commercials benefits or self-interest.

3. Editorial and Reviewer Board Member Responsibility

  1. All members join this journal on their own free will with no intention of any monetary gains.
  2. All members must adapt the peer review process of journal.
  3. All the information related to the submitted manuscript is kept confidential prior to publishing.
  4. Standards of Objectivity preserved by reviewing the manuscripts objectively with clear views and supporting arguments and without any personal criticism.
  5. All members must be evaluating the manuscript with in time, if any issues to review the manuscript in given deadline so must inform to journal first.
  6. Motivate and encourage to authors for quality improvement of the manuscript.
  7. Member has the authority to accept reject modification suggestion and re-review the manuscript.
  8. All members must take their decisions on base of the paper importance, originality, clarity and relevance to publication's scope.
  9. All members express their view, comment and argument about manuscript clearly.
  10. Journal quality depends on review of the manuscript, use quality tools for plagiarisms detection.
  11. Any misconduct detected by the author should be reported immediately to the journal.
  12. All members must read and obey the all ethics, policies and rules of the journal.
  13. All members must contribute and participate to journal editorials, research publications, suggestions for updating policies, quality improvement and other activities that are notified from time to time by the journal.
  14. All members must accept the performance evaluated by journal.
  15. Poor performance of members result to lose the journal membership.
  16. All members must consider the needs of the authors and the readers when attempting to improve the publication.
  17. All members must guarantee the quality of the papers and the integrity of the academic record.
  18. All members must inform to journal and not review the manuscripts in which they have any contact or connection with any of the authors of the manuscript (read more case studies).
  19. Provide strategic input into journal development.
  20. Promote the journal to peers and colleagues.
  21. Refer and form important sources of income for journal development;
  22. Identify subjects for special issues which they might also help to organize and/or guest editor.
  23. Attracting new authors and submissions for quality article publication.
  24. Acting as advisors in the case of complex journal ethics allegations.

4. Editor-In-Chief Responsibility

  1. Identify the qualified editors for journal editor board (refer qualifications link of editor).
  2. Identify the qualified editors in existing editor and reviewer board member for editor advisory board.
  3. Invites and motivate to all board members of the journal to write the editorials for beginner and professional researcher.
  4. Participate the peer review process of the journal and monitor implementation of peer review process of the journal by all board members.
  5. Rejected the manuscript at desk level by reviewing quality of the manuscript.
  6. Final selection and rejection authority of special issues, supplementary issues, conference tie-ups.
  7. Appoint editor from editorial board member for selection and rejection of special issues, supplementary issues, conference tie-ups.
  8. Handel to copyright claim, with co-ordination of co-editor, editor advisory board members, and editorial board members.
  9. Refer complicated cases to COPE, especially when questions arises that are not addressed by the COPE flow charts, or new types of publication misconduct are suspected.
  10. Take needful and strict action against misleading, misguiding, false statement made authors, reviewers and board member.
  11. Revisions of the journal ethics and policies.
  12. Motivate to authors, readers, and board members give their suggestion for quality improvement of the journal.
  13. Organize various activities and invite to author, readers and board members for participation.
  14. Rewarding to editors, guest editors and board members for their valuable work for the journal.
  15. Engage the editorial board on the progress of the journal and update and include them on ideas for the journal development.
  16. Responsibility to arrange funding for the journal.

5. Co-Editor Responsibility

  1. Co-editor Co-ordinate to editor-in-chief to handle the journal responsibilities.
  2. Identified the qualified editors for the journal editor and reviewer board.
  3. Invites existing editor board member for editor advisory board.
  4. Invites and Motivate to all editor and reviewer board members of the journal to write the editorials for beginner and professional researcher.
  5. Participate in peer review process and monitor implementation of peer review process by all board members.
  6. Rejected the manuscript at desk level by reviewing quality of the manuscript.
  7. Special issues, supplementary issues, conference tie ups final selection responsibility.
  8. Handel authors, readers and others complaints and issues received to the journal regarding ethics, policies and rules violation.
  9. Take needful and strict action with co-ordination of editor-in-chief against misleading, misguiding, false statement, made authors, reviewers and board member.
  10. Motivate to authors, readers, and board members to submit their suggestion for quality improvement of the journal.
  11. Organize various activities and invite to author, readers and board members for participation.
  12. Submitting suggestions and participate in designing, reviewing, and updating the ethics, policies and rules of the journal.
  13. Engage the editorial board on the progress of the journal and update and include them on ideas for the journal development.
  14. The editorial board should be involved formally through an annual editorial board meeting or informally in ad hoc meetings and discussion.
  15. Refer and form important sources of income for journal development.
  16. Encourage responsible behavior and discourage misconduct; by author, reviewer, editors and all board members.
  17. Require editors/ reviewers board members to disclose any potential competing interests before agreeing to review a submission.
  18. Encourage editor/ reviewers board members to comment on ethical questions and possible research misconduct raised by submissions, (e.g. unethical research design, insufficient detail, protection of research subjects).
  19. Seeking out the best authors and best work (e.g. from meeting abstracts) and actively   encouraging submissions.
  20. Refer troubling cases to COPE, especially when questions arise that are not addressed by the COPE flow charts, or new types of publication misconduct are suspected.
  21. Acting as ambassadors for the journal.

6. Editorial Advisory Board Responsibility

  1. All members appoint as advisory board member, guide and give suggestions to the journal development, ethics, policies,  rules and modification of the journal.
  2. Contribute and motivate by writing editorials for the beginners and professional for design quality content in the manuscript
  3. Suggestions for quality improvement of the manuscript and attract to quality authors.
  4. Support to the journal editors and staff to tackle the copyright claim.
  5. Performance evaluated by the journal of advisory board member must accept.
  6. Must participate and contribute in all activities and events organize by the journal.
  7. Poor performance advisory board member result to loose membership.
  8. Refer and form important sources of income for the journal development.
  9. All members must adapt the peer review process of the journal.
  10. All members must be read and obey all ethics, policies and rules of the journal.
  11. Support initiatives designed to reduce academic misconduct.
  12. Support initiatives to educate researcher about publication ethics.
  13. Monitoring and suggestion update of ICMJE, COPE, Scopus, WOS, and other major research community in the world.
  14. Acting as ambassadors for the journal
  15. Supporting and promoting the journal
  16. Keep informed about research into peer review and technological advances.
  17. Refer troubling cases to COPE, especially when questions arise that are not addressed by the COPE flow charts, or new types of publication misconduct are suspected.

7. Guest Editor Responsibility

  1. Guest editor work only for special issues, conferences and supplementary issues.
  2. Guest editor participate in the journal suggest by board member or approved by conference organizer.
  3. Guest editor must be at least postgraduate or young research scholar.
  4. Guest editor evaluation of the manuscript not considers as final, last approval must be given by editor-in-chef, co-editor and editorial board members.
  5. Guest editor must read and obey the all ethics, policies and rules of the journal.
  6. Guest editor not claim for editorial board membership at any time until editor-in-chief not approve as board member.
  7. Quality guest editor will be included in the editorial board member.
  8. Guest editor manuscript evaluated by editor-in-chief, co-editor or by other editorial board member.
  9. Performance of guest editor evaluated under the journal policies.
  10. Support initiatives designed to reduce academic misconduct.
  11. Support initiatives to educate researchers about publication ethics.
  12. Monitor and suggestion update of ICMJE, COPE, Scopus, WOS, and other major research community in the world.
  13. Acting as ambassadors for the journal
  14. Supporting and promoting the journal
  15. Keep informed about research into peer review and technological advances.
  16. Refer troubling cases to COPE, especially when questions arise that are not addressed by the COPE flow charts, or new types of publication misconduct are suspected.

8. Conference Organizer Responsibility

  1. Conference title and scope must be approved from the journal.
  2. Head of organizer team must be professional researchers.
  3. Organizer creates quality editors/ reviewer team for conference and team must approve from the journal.
  4. Organizer must obey all the journal ethics, policies and rules.
  5. Organizer must conduct the campaign online or offline for young professional about plagiarism, copyright claim, citation, indexing, self-citation and other important things related to publication.
  6. Organizer motivate to young professional to produce high quality, effective review and comparative articles.


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