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Peer Review
What is Peer Review...?
Peer review is a process of self-regulation by a profession or a process of evaluation involving qualified individuals within the relevant field. Peer review methods are employed to maintain standards, improve performance and provide credibility. In academia, peer review is often used to determine an academic paper's suitability for publication. In case of blind peer review, the identity of the authors would not be revealed to reviewer/referee till the paper is published in the journal.
Why Peer Review...?
It is difficult for authors and researchers, whether individually or in a team, to spot every mistake or flaw in a complicated piece of work. This is not necessarily a reflection on those concerned, but because with a new and perhaps eclectic subject, an opportunity for improvement may be more obvious to someone with special expertise or who simply looks at it with a fresh eye through different angle. Reviewing of the research of others can identify the possible weaknesses / flaw, thus quality would be improved. For both grant-funding and publication in a scholarly journal, it is also normally a requirement that the subject is both novel and substantial.
Step 1: [Author ==> Editor]
Author has to submit his / her manuscript to the Editor by email
Step 2: [Editor / Review Members]
The manuscript would be sent to review members for the comments.
Editor / Review Members gives his / her first opinion on particular manuscript, it is accepted / rejected.
Step 3: [Editor]
* If manuscript accepted, the Editor will send it to two individual reviewers
* If manuscript rejected, the Editor regret message to the authors.
Step 4: [Reviewer ==> Editor]
Reviewer team will evaluate the manuscript and gives the status to the Editor as follows:
1. Manuscript may be Accepted
2. Manuscript may be Accepted with minor changes
3. Manuscript may be Accepted with major changes
4. Manuscript may be Rejected
Step 5: [Editor]
Editor sends the evaluation report to author through an E-Mail
Editor also gives IJREST bank account detail for publication fee, if manuscript is accepted.
Step 6: [The corresponding Author]
The corresponding author should take one of the following actions according to the evaluation report
1. Accepted
* Deposit publication fee to the given bank account by thoroughly checking with bank at the time of deposit. Misconception will not be entertained.
* Sends final manuscript, Copyright form and Payment details (scanned copy of payment slip / online transaction details) to
2. Accepted with changes
* Make changes in manuscript and re-submit to editor through E-Mail.
3. Rejected for revision/resubmission
* Do the revision, make changes in manuscript and re-submit to editor
4. Rejected
* Author can submit a new article for forthcoming issues.
Step 7: [Editor ==> Publisher]
Editor will send the final manuscripts to Publisher to publish in the current issue
Step 8: [Publisher]
Publisher will publish the accepted manuscript in the current issue.
Step 9: [Editor]
Editor gives the published information to the corresponding by E-Mail