The journal outlines the role and responsibilities of authors, corresponding authors, readers, supporting/ funding agencies, journal, investigation team, financial claim and legal claim under the copyright claim policies
Role and Responsibilities of Authors
- All Authors sole responsible for the copyright claim on the article.
- The Journal investigation result of copyright claim must accept by all authors, direct or indirect contributor, supporting/ funding agencies of the article.
- All authors must reply to the journal email subject to copyright claim within six months of copyright claim received to the journal.
- Within six months after copyright claim received to the journal, if corresponding author or any authors of article, supporting/ funding organization or any direct or indirect contributor person of article are not replying to the journal email subject to copyright claim, then the journal investigation team consider as conviction of copyright claim by all any authors, corresponding author, supporting/ funding organization and any direct or indirect contributor person of article.
Role and Responsibilities of Reader
- A reader submits the only copyright claim on an article published in the journal.
- A reader submits the only copyright claim to the journal, another claim does not investigate by the journal.
- The reader follows the policies of the journal for the copyright claim.
- The reader waits for investigation process minimum duration is six months.
- The reader makes a legal claim on the article after completion of the journal investigation.
- Reader not submits any financial claim (demand or loss) to the journal. That claim directly communicates with authors of the article.
Role and Responsibilities of Corresponding Authors
- Corresponding author/ authors are solely responsible for signing the copyright transfer agreement on behalf of all authors of the article.
- If copyright claim received to the journal then corresponding author initial contact of the article for journals.
- If copyright claim received to the journal then corresponding author sole responsibility to inform the update of the article to other authors.
- Journal mail to the only corresponding author in case of a copyright claim, corresponding author responsibility to reply to the journal mail.
- Within six months after copyright claim received to the journal, if corresponding author or any authors of article, supporting/ funding organization or any direct or indirect contributor person of article are not replying to the journal email subject to copyright claim, then the journal investigation team consider as conviction of copyright claim by all any authors, corresponding author, supporting/ funding organization and any direct or indirect contributor person of article.
Role and Responsibilities of Supporting / Funding Agencies
- The journal also emails to supporting/ funding agencies of the article in case of copyright claim received to the journal.
- If supporting/ funding agencies of the article received mail from the journal subject to copyright claim then agencies responsibilities to inform all authors of the article.
- Supporting and funding agencies reply to the journal email subject to copyright claim within six months of claim received to the journal.
- Within six months after copyright claim received to the journal, if corresponding author or any authors of article, supporting/ funding organization or any direct or indirect contributor person of article are not replying to the journal email subject to copyright claim, then the journal investigation team consider as conviction of copyright claim by all any authors, corresponding author, supporting/ funding organization and any direct or indirect contributor person of article.
Role and Responsibilities of the Journal
- Action taken against the claim received to the journal as per the journal policies, COPE guidelines and scholarly communities for research and publications guideline.
- Create separate investigation team for each copyright claims.
- Information about the investigation team member must be confidential.
- The journal does not accept any author and reader request to add a member to an investigation team of a copyright claim.
- Creation, role, responsibilities, evaluation process as per investigation manual of the journal.
- The minimum time duration of copyright claim investigation is six months.
- The journal Support to claim till investigation team member generate the result, after on the basis of result action will be taken on the article.
- The journal makes the financial claim on any users of an article published in the journal without permission of authors and the journal or found violate the journal policies.
- In copyright claim the journal contacting the corresponding author only, corresponding author responsibility to communicate to other authors of the article.
- Within six months after copyright claim received to the journal, if corresponding author or any authors of article, supporting/ funding organization or any direct or indirect contributor person of article are not replying to the journal email subject to copyright claim, then the journal investigation team consider as conviction of copyright claim by all any authors, corresponding author, supporting/ funding organization and any direct or indirect contributor person of article.
Roles and Responsibilities of Investigation Team
- Any members of investigation team do not have a conflict of interest.
- All member of investigation team keep all investigation information confidential (like member’s personal detail, investigation process, etc.)
- Investigation team members follow the investigation manual and it revises version for investigation.
- Any member of investigation team does not try to communicate directly with authors, reader or any person of article involved in a copyright claim.
Financial Claim
- The financial loss of any reader or person those make claim on the article not investigate by the journal.
- If any authors, readers, users, organization, publisher, agencies use the journal published work as commercial purpose or self-interest, or for personal financial profit ( eg. subscription basis) then journal make a legal and financial claim on all of them.
- Authors have the rights to a financial claim on reader and user of the article who are not given the credits to authors of the article or also on the person who uses the article for commercial purpose.
- The reader or anyone wants to make a financial claim on an article in case of copyright claim they need to directly communicate to corresponding authors or any authors of the article. Journal only helps them to decide the work is plagiarized or not, or the result of a copyright claim positive or negative.
Legal Claim
Role and Responsibilities of All Authors
- Authors have right to a legal claim on reader and user of the article who are not given the credits to authors of the article or also on the person who uses the article for commercial purpose.
- In case of legal action taken by anyone on published article in the journal, only all authors and contributors of the article bounded to reply and co-operate the legal claim as per journal policies and sign copyright transfer agreement.
- Authors and contributors of articles sole responsible for legal claim judgments taken by judiciary system.
- In case author unsatisfied from the result of journal copyright claim investigation team, so in that case, the journal takes a suggestion from COPE committee on behalf of authors or authors also can contact directly to COPE committee for help, thought out all this process reader must maintain discipline and politeness to the journal.
- In case copyright claim on authors to an article published in the journal must wait until process duration minimum 6 to 12 months and must maintain discipline, politeness. If authors misbehave or unwanted mail send to journal in that case journal take legal action against the person who misbehaves or unwanted mail sent to a journal.
- In case copyright claim against the author of the article published in journal unsatisfied from the result of investigation team and COPE committee suggestion. In that case (after completion of both process investigation result and COPE committee suggestion) authors have the rights to take help from judiciary system.
- Journal only cooperate them (authors and readers) to decide the work is plagiarized or not, or the result of a copyright claim positive or negative.
Role and Responsibilities of Readers
- Readers have the right to a legal claim on authors of the article who are not given the credits to reader work use an article which is published in the journal.
- In case of reader and users use the article copyright content which is published in the journal for their work and readers not given proper credit to authors of the article or use the content of the article for commercial purpose. In that case, readers and users are solely responsible for a legal claim by authors of the article and the journal.
- In case reader unsatisfied with the result of journal copyright claim investigation team. In that case, the journal takes a suggestion from COPE committee on behalf of reader or reader also can contact directly to COPE committee for help, thought out all this process reader must maintain discipline and politeness to the journal.
- In case copyright claim by readers to an article published in the journal must wait until process duration minimum 6 to 12 months and must maintain discipline, politeness. If readers misbehave or unwanted mail send to journal in that case journal take legal action against the person who misbehaves or unwanted mail send to the journal.
- In case readers unsatisfied with the result of the investigation team and COPE committee suggestion. In that case (after completion of both process investigation result and COPE committee suggestion) readers have the rights to take help judiciary system.
- In case of a legal claim against the readers or users will accept the judgments taken by judiciary system for use of copyright content of the article which is published in the journal without authors and journal permission or commercial purpose or not given proper credit to authors of article and journal.
- In case readers or any person for a legal claim against the authors of the article published in the journal. In that case, readers directly communicate with the authors of the article.
- Journal only cooperate them (authors and readers) to decide the work is plagiarized or not, or the result of a copyright claim positive or negative.
- The readers must refer all journal ethics, policies, copyright transfer agreement norms once before initiates the legal claim on an article published in the journal.
Role and Responsibilities of the Journal
- The journal has the rights to make a legal claim on anyone who uses article copyright content published in a journal without taken permission and not given credit to authors and journal.
- The journal has right to make a legal and financial claim if anyone is using the journal published work for commercials purpose.
- The journal responsibility is to investigate copyright claim and generate the result of investigation positive or negative.
- In case of a legal claim on authors of the article published in the journal. In that case, the journal only cooperates them (authors and readers) to decide the work is plagiarized or not, or the result of a copyright claim positive or negative.
- Legal claim issues communicate both the parties (readers and authors) mutually. The journal does not involve in between the legal claim on the article.
- The journal not involves settling the legal claim issue in between both parties (readers and authors).
- The journal takes a suggestion from COPE Committee if anyone or both parties (readers and authors) not satisfied with the journal investigation result.
- The Journal investigation and taken COPE committee suggestion for copyright claim required minimum duration is 6 to 12 months.
- In case authors or readers not satisfied the result of the investigation team and COPE committee suggestions journal suggest to both authors and readers take help from judiciary system help.
- In case copyright claim move inside the judiciary system journal provide all needed document to readers and authors and equally cooperate with reader and authors.
- The journal will accept the judgment of judiciary system against the legal claim.
- In case copyright claim moves inside the judiciary system the journal publish online under the article in HTML “article under the process of copyright claim case move in a legal claim under the judiciary system”.
- If the judiciary system gives the judgments in favor of reading the article will be removed from journal and link of the article contain the judiciary system judgment copy in PDF and in HTML below the link of the “article shown Article removed under copyright act by the judgment of the judiciary system”.
- If the judiciary system judgments in favor of authors the article link keep as it is in a journal and remove the HTML label “article under the process of copyright claim case move in a legal claim under the judiciary system”.
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